Indranil Hazra, Post-doctoral Fellow
Indranil Hazra is a Post-Doctoral Associate in the Systems Risk and Reliability Analysis (SyRRA) lab at the Center for Risk and Reliability, University of Maryland, College Park. Indranil earned his Ph.D. (2021) in Civil Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada, where he worked on likelihood-free Bayesian methods for stochastic degradation modeling and life prediction of nuclear power plant components. Additionally, he has experience with geostatistical modeling and simulation for monitoring radioactive contaminant inventories at nuclear waste disposal sites. He received his M.Eng. (2016) in Structural Engineering and B.Eng. (2014) in Civil Engineering, respectively, from the Indian Institute of Science and Jadavpur University in India.
Dr. Hazra’s research focuses on the development of an integrated probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and prognostics and health management (PHM) framework for resilient maintenance of autonomous systems leveraging data fusion techniques, causal modeling, Bayesian methods, and machine learning.