Darling, Michael C., Jones, Thomas B., Luger, George F., Groth, Katrina M. ALADDIN: The Automatic Loader of Accident Data for Dynamic Inferencing Networks (Technical Report) Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, (SAND2015-10401), 2015. (BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Bayesian Networks, Decision support systems, Dynamic PRA, nuclear power, software, uncertainty)
Denman, Matthew R., Groth, Katrina M., Cardoni, Jeff, Wheeler, Tim Advance Liquid Metal Reactor Discrete Dynamic Event Tree/Bayesian Network Analysis and Incident Management Guidelines (Risk Management for Sodium Fast Reactors) (Technical Report) Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM, (SAND2015-2484), 2015. (BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Bayesian Networks, Decision support systems, Dynamic PRA, nuclear power, Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), risk-informed procedures, uncertainty)
Sallaberry, Cedric J., Groth, Katrina M. Uncertainty and Lack of Knowledge Exchange Series Group (Technical Report) Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM, (SAND2014-19926 O), 2014. (BibTeX | Tags: safety assessments, uncertainty)
Groth, Katrina M., Denman, Matthew R., Cardoni, Jeffrey N., Wheeler, Timothy A.“Smart Procedures”: Using dynamic PRA to develop dynamic, context-specific severe accident management guidelines (SAMGs) (Inproceedings) Proceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 12), Honolulu, HI, 2014. (BibTeX | Tags: Artificial intelligence, Bayesian Networks, Decision support systems, Dynamic PRA, nuclear power, risk-informed procedures, uncertainty)
Groth, Katrina M., Swiler, Laura P. Bridging the gap between HRA research and HRA practice: A Bayesian Network version of SPAR-H (Journal Article) Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 115 , pp. 33-42, 2013. (Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networks, causal models, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), nuclear power, uncertainty)
Groth, Katrina M., Swiler, Laura P. Use of Limited Data to Construct Bayesian Networks for Probabilistic Risk Assessment (Technical Report) Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM, (SAND2013-2019), 2013. (BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian methods, Bayesian Networks, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), uncertainty)
Groth, Katrina M., Swiler, Laura P. Use of a SPAR-H Bayesian Network for predicting Human Error Probabilities with missing observations (Inproceedings) Proceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 11), Helsinki, Finland, 2012.(BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networks, human error, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), nuclear power, Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs), uncertainty)