Zwirglmaier, Kilian, Straub, Daniel, Groth, Katrina M. Capturing cognitive causal paths in human reliability analysis with Bayesian network models (Journal Article) Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 158 , pp. 117-129, 2017. (Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian methods, Bayesian Networks, causal models, cognitive models, human error, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), nuclear power)
Oxstrand, Johanna, Kelly, Dana L., Shen, Song-Hua, Mosleh, Ali, Groth, Katrina M. A Model-Based Approach to HRA: Qualitative Analysis Methodology (Inproceedings) Proceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 11), Helsinki, Finland, 2012.(BibTeX | Tags: causal models, cognitive models, crew failure modes, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), nuclear power)
Parry, Gareth W., Forester, John A., Groth, Katrina, Hendrickson, Stacey, Lewis, Stuart, Lois, Erasmia Towards an Improved HRA Quantification Model (Inproceedings) Proceedings of the ANS International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2011), American Nuclear Society Wilmington, NC, 2011. (BibTeX | Tags: cognitive models, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), nuclear power, Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs))