Groth, Katrina M., Forester, John A., Liao, Huafei, Wheeler, Timothy A. Applicability of Human Reliability Analysis and Identification of Research Needs for NGNP HRA (Technical Report) Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM, (JCN N6921, Task 3), 2011, (Prepared for Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission).


title = {Applicability of Human Reliability Analysis and Identification of Research Needs for NGNP HRA},
author = {Katrina M Groth and John A Forester and Huafei Liao and Timothy A Wheeler},
year = {2011},
date = {2011-02-01},
number = {JCN N6921, Task 3},
address = {Albuquerque, NM},
institution = {Sandia National Laboratories},
abstract = {The NRC has developed an advanced non-LWR Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) research program in order to ensure that the staff has the proper knowledge and tools to support risk-informed licensing activities for advanced non-LWRs. The research program will focus specifically on High-Temperature Gas Reactor (HTGR) designs, and a User Need Request to reflect research activities is being developed in cooperation with the Office of New Reactors. In comparison with current operating reactors in the U.S., the potential HTGR designs have significant technological differences that could lead to different behaviors and accident scenarios. In order to support the staff’s review of advanced non-LWR PRA models, research is required to identify and understand potentially risk-significant failure modes (including dependencies between systems and components) and the consequences of accidents. Furthermore, an expanded role in the use of PRA and risk-informed perspectives during the design, design certification, licensing, and operating phases of advanced non-LWRs is anticipated. This expanded role will require additional research to determine the proper scope and level of detail for a technically acceptable risk assessment model.

The present supplemental letter report is submitted as fulfillment of the deliverable for Task 3 of the SNL proposal for JCN N6921. Task 3 focuses on identifying areas of HRA requiring additional research needed to support advanced non-LWR PRA review.},
note = {Prepared for Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission},
keywords = {Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), nuclear power, Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA)},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {techreport}


The NRC has developed an advanced non-LWR Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) research program in order to ensure that the staff has the proper knowledge and tools to support risk-informed licensing activities for advanced non-LWRs. The research program will focus specifically on High-Temperature Gas Reactor (HTGR) designs, and a User Need Request to reflect research activities is being developed in cooperation with the Office of New Reactors. In comparison with current operating reactors in the U.S., the potential HTGR designs have significant technological differences that could lead to different behaviors and accident scenarios. In order to support the staff’s review of advanced non-LWR PRA models, research is required to identify and understand potentially risk-significant failure modes (including dependencies between systems and components) and the consequences of accidents. Furthermore, an expanded role in the use of PRA and risk-informed perspectives during the design, design certification, licensing, and operating phases of advanced non-LWRs is anticipated. This expanded role will require additional research to determine the proper scope and level of detail for a technically acceptable risk assessment model.

The present supplemental letter report is submitted as fulfillment of the deliverable for Task 3 of the SNL proposal for JCN N6921. Task 3 focuses on identifying areas of HRA requiring additional research needed to support advanced non-LWR PRA review.