hazard identification 2015 Marchi, San C., Hecht, E. S., Ekoto, I. W., Groth, K. M., LaFleur, C., Somerday, B. P., Mukundan, R., Rockward, T. Advances in research and development to enhance the scientific basis for hydrogen regulations, codes, and standards. (Inproceedings) Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS 2015), Yokohama, Japan, 2015. (BibTeX | Tags: codes and standards, hazard identification, hydrogen, Hydrogen safety, HyRAM, infrastructure, Quantitative risk assessment (QRA), transportation safety) Skjold, T., Siccama, D., Hisken, H., Brambilla, A., Middha, Prankul, Groth, K. M., LaFleur, A. C. 3D Risk management for hydrogen installations (Hy3DRM) (Inproceedings) Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS 2015), Yokohama, Japan, 2015. (BibTeX | Tags: hazard identification, hydrogen, Hydrogen safety, HyRAM, infrastructure, Quantitative risk assessment (QRA), software, transportation safety) LaFleur, Chris A., Muna, Alice B., Groth, Katrina M. Fire Protection Engineering Design Brief Template: Hydrogen Refueling Station (Technical Report) Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM, (SAND2015-4500), 2015. (BibTeX | Tags: codes and standards, hazard identification, hydrogen, Hydrogen safety, infrastructure, Performance based design (PBD), safety assessments, transportation safety) 2014 Ekoto, Isaac W., Hecht, Ethan, Marchi, Chris San, Groth, Katrina M., LaFleur, Christine A., Natesan, Nitin, Ciotti, Michael, Harris, Aaron Liquid Hydrogen Release and Behavior Modeling: State-of-the-Art Knowledge Gaps and Research Needs for Refueling Infrastructure Safety (Technical Report) Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM, (SAND2014-18776), 2014. (BibTeX | Tags: hazard identification, hydrogen, Hydrogen safety, infrastructure, Quantitative risk assessment (QRA), transportation safety) Tchouvelev, Andrei V., Groth, Katrina M., Benard, Pierre, Jordan, Thomas A Hazard Assessment Toolkit For Hydrogen Applications (Inproceedings) Proceedings of the 20th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2014), Gwangju, S. Korea, 2014. (BibTeX | Tags: codes and standards, hazard identification, hydrogen, Hydrogen safety, infrastructure, Quantitative risk assessment (QRA), software, transportation safety) 2012 Groth, Katrina M., LaChance, Jeffrey L. Risks associated with hydrogen indoor refueling (Conference) Proceedings of the 19th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2012), Toronto, ON, Canada, 2012. (BibTeX | Tags: hazard identification, hydrogen, Hydrogen safety, infrastructure, Quantitative risk assessment (QRA)) 2011 LaChance, J L, Middleton, B, Groth, K. M. Comparison of NFPA and ISO Approaches for Evaluating Separation Distances (Inproceedings) Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS 2011), San Francisco, CA, 2011. (BibTeX | Tags: codes and standards, hazard identification, hydrogen, Hydrogen safety, infrastructure, Quantitative risk assessment (QRA), safety distance, Separation distance) 2008 Groth, Katrina, Zhu, Dongfeng, Mosleh, Ali Hybrid Methodology and Software Platform for Probabilistic Risk Assessment (Inproceedings) Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2008), Las Vegas, NV, 2008. (Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networks, hazard identification, Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), Quantitative risk assessment (QRA), software)