Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)


Groth, Katrina M., Smith, Reuel, and Moradi, Ramin. A hybrid approach to HRA using simulator data, causal models, and cognitive science (Journal Article) Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 191(11), 2019. (Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networks, Human Reliability Analysis, Bayesian updating)


Zwirglmaier, Kilian, Straub, Daniel, Groth, Katrina M. Capturing cognitive causal paths in human reliability analysis with Bayesian network models (Journal ArticleReliability Engineering & System Safety, 158 pp. 117-129, 2017. (Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian methodsBayesian Networkscausal modelscognitive modelshuman error, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), nuclear power)


Boring, Ronald, Mandelli, Diego, Rasmussen, Martin, Herberger, Sarah, Ulrich, Thomas, Groth, Katrina, Smith, Curtis Human Unimodel for Nuclear Technology to Enhance Reliability (HUNTER): A Framework for Computation-based Human Reliability Analysis (InproceedingsProceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 13), Seoul, Korea, 2016. (BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian methods, Bayesian NetworksDynamic PRA, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), nuclear power, Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA))

Boring, Ronald, Mandelli, Diego, Rasmussen, Martin, Herberger, Sarah, Ulrich, Thomas, Groth, Katrina, Smith, Curtis Integration of Human Reliability Analysis Models into the Simulation-Based Framework for the Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization Toolkit (Technical ReportIdaho National Laboratory Idaho Falls, ID, (INL/EXT-16-39015), 2016. (BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian methodsBayesian NetworksDynamic PRA, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), nuclear power, Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs), Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA))


Liao, Huafei, Groth, Katrina, Stevens-Adams, Susan Challenges in Leveraging Existing Human Performance Data for Quantifying the IDHEAS HRA Method (Journal Article) Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 144 pp. 159-169, 2015(Links | BibTeX | Tags: human error, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA), nuclear power, Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs), Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA))

Zwirglmaier, K., Straub, D., Groth, K. M. Framework for a Bayesian Network Version of IDHEAS (InproceedingsProceedings of the European Society for Reliability Annual Meeting (ESREL 2015), Zurich, Switzerland, 2015(BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian methodsBayesian Networkscausal modelshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear power)

Boring, Ronald, Mandelli, Diego, Joe, Jeffery, Smith, Curtis, Groth, Katrina A Research Roadmap for Computation-Based Human Reliability Analysis (Technical ReportIdaho National Laboratory Idaho Falls, ID, (INL/EXT-15-36051), 2015(BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networkscausal modelsDynamic PRAHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerProbabilistic risk assessment (PRA))


Groth, Katrina M., Smith, Curtis L., Swiler, Laura P. A Bayesian method for using simulator data to enhance human error probabilities assigned by existing HRA methods (Journal ArticleReliability Engineering & System Safety, 128 pp. 32-40, 2014(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian methodsBayesian Networkshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs)uncertainty)


Liao, H., Groth, K., Stevens-Adams, S., Xing, J. Leveraging Existing Human Performance Data for Quantifying the IDHEAS HRA Method (InproceedingsProceedings of the European Society for Reliability Annual Meeting (ESREL 2013), Amsterdam, 2013(BibTeX | Tags: human errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs))

Groth, Katrina M., Swiler, Laura P. Bridging the gap between HRA research and HRA practice: A Bayesian Network version of SPAR-H (Journal ArticleReliability Engineering and System Safety, 115 pp. 33-42, 2013. (Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networkscausal modelsHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear poweruncertainty)

Groth, Katrina M., Swiler, Laura P. Use of Limited Data to Construct Bayesian Networks for Probabilistic Risk Assessment (Technical ReportSandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM, (SAND2013-2019), 2013(BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian methodsBayesian NetworksHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)Probabilistic risk assessment (PRA)uncertainty)


Groth, Katrina M., Mosleh, Ali A data-informed PIF hierarchy for model-based Human Reliability Analysis (Journal ArticleReliability Engineering and System Safety, 108 pp. 154-174, 2012. (Links | BibTeX | Tags: causal modelshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs))

Groth, Katrina M., Mosleh, Ali Deriving causal Bayesian networks from human reliability analysis data: A methodology and example model (Journal ArticleProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 226 pp. 361-379, 2012(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networkshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs))

Groth, Katrina M., Swiler, Laura P. Use of a SPAR-H Bayesian Network for predicting Human Error Probabilities with missing observations (InproceedingsProceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 11), Helsinki, Finland, 2012.(BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networkshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs)uncertainty)

Mosleh, Ali, Shen, Song-Hua, Kelly, Dana L, Oxstrand, Johanna H, Groth, Katrina A Model-Based Human Reliability Analysis Methodology (InproceedingsProceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 11), Helsinki, Finland, 2012.(BibTeX | Tags: causal modelshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear power)

Oxstrand, Johanna, Kelly, Dana L., Shen, Song-Hua, Mosleh, Ali, Groth, Katrina MA Model-Based Approach to HRA: Qualitative Analysis Methodology (InproceedingsProceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 11), Helsinki, Finland, 2012.(BibTeX | Tags: causal modelscognitive models, Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear power)

Groth, Katrina M., Shen, Song-Hua, Oxstrand, Johanna, Mosleh, Ali, Kelly, Dana A Model-Based Approach to HRA: Example Application and Quantitative Analysis (InproceedingsProceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 11), Helsinki, Finland, 2012(BibTeX | Tags: causal modelshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear power)


Groth, Katrina, Mosleh, Ali Development and Use of a Bayesian Network to Estimate Human Error Probability (InproceedingsProceedings of the ANS International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2011), American Nuclear Society Wilmington, NC, 2011(BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networkscausal modelshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs))

Parry, Gareth W., Forester, John A., Groth, Katrina, Hendrickson, Stacey, Lewis, Stuart, Lois, Erasmia Towards an Improved HRA Quantification Model (InproceedingsProceedings of the ANS International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2011), American Nuclear Society Wilmington, NC, 2011(BibTeX | Tags: cognitive modelsHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs))

Groth, Katrina M., Forester, John A., Liao, Huafei, Wheeler, Timothy A. Applicability of Human Reliability Analysis and Identification of Research Needs for NGNP HRA (Technical ReportSandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM, (JCN N6921, Task 3), 2011, (Prepared for Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission)(BibTeX | Tags: Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerProbabilistic risk assessment (PRA))


Groth, Katrina, Mosleh, Ali A Performance Shaping Factors Causal Model for Nuclear Power Plant Human Reliability Analysis. (InproceedingsProceedings of the International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM 10), Seattle, WA, 2010(BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networkscausal modelshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs))


Groth, Katrina, Mosleh, Ali Development of an interdependent causal model for estimating human error probability from performance shaping factors (ConferencePresentation at the Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting (SRA), Baltimore, MD, 2009(BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networkscausal modelshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs))

Groth, K. M., Mosleh, A. A Data-Informed Model of Performance Shaping Factors and Their Interdependencies for Use in Human Reliability Analysis (InproceedingsProceedings of the European Society for Reliability Annual Meeting (ESREL 2009), Prague, 2009(BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networkscausal modelshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs))

Groth, Katrina M. A Data-Informed Model of Performance Shaping Factors for Use in Human Reliability Analysis (PhD ThesisUniversity of Maryland, 2009(Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networkscausal modelshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs))


Groth, Katrina, Mosleh, Ali Data-driven modeling of dependencies among influencing factors in human-machine interactions (InproceedingsProceedings of the ANS International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2008), American Nuclear Society Knoxville, Tennessee, 2008(BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian Networkscausal modelshuman errorHuman Reliability Analysis (HRA)nuclear powerPerformance Shaping Factors (PSFs))